Community is at the heart of everything we do.

Welcome to where you belong.

Stretch and Fold is a celebration of the good things in life. Nourishing food, grounding movement practices, healing, slowing down, and above all: community. A second home. A place where people know your name. A place with an effervescence about it. A place to put a smile on your face.

In order to show up as our boldest and most creative selves, we need to nourish our bodies and souls. This requires a home which can hold the fullest expressions of our being. A home which creates both a safe and tranquil environment for us to be alone with ourselves, as well as the space to bond and connect with like-minded souls.

Combining yoga, food, sauna, pool, treatments, and community, Stretch and Fold is a place where you happily spend the better part of your day. It’s a place to move your body and then nourish it with wholesome food. It’s a place to rejuvenate through treatments and sauna, and to connect with your community over workshops, supper clubs, and events.

Where it all began.

Events and retreats from Zaandam to Sicily

Tash started teaching full time in Amsterdam over 5 years ago. She founded Stretch and Fold in 2020 with her partner Mark, and it all started with putting on events - from Sandwich Sunday pop-ups at Fiasco Wine Shop, to Yoga Brunches at The White Door Studio.

Next came their Sourdough baking retreats, which began at a Sicilian farmhouse and continued in Holland at a windmill island near Zandaam. Each retreat combines yoga, natural wine, delicious food, pizza making, and sourdough baking over a long weekend. What has made each and every event magical is the vibrant community which always shows up in wonderful ways.

Popping up in Amsterdam Noord

In June 2023, Tash opened the Stretch and Fold pop-up studio, in a beautiful (if a little chilly) warehouse space behind Oedipus Brewery. The studio proved popular with locals, as well as Tash’s students from other parts of town. This includes Martin and Derek, who have been attending Tash’s classes and retreats since 2020. After a few visits to the pop-up, a shared vision for a more permanent space formed, and from there things quickly took off.

Let’s move together.

We’re deeply grateful to you, our community, for the privilege of building this together, and we’re excited for what the future holds.

Keen to join the Stretch and Fold family or bring something new into the space? We always love to hear your ideas.

With love,

Tash, Martin, and Derek