Ellemijn Nonkes

Transformational coaching

We all move through phases in life, where we long for a different outcome or direction. In my work as a transformation coach it is my highest desire to bring you in alignment with making high vibrational choices that align you with your higher vision. It is what I call moving beyond your upper limit. 

Ofcourse, working through this change, is not only making this 'one decision' and everything changes. It is about letting go of limiting narratives that keep you from creating the life you desire and staying accountable. 
It is working through limiting beliefs, finding subconscious patterns that stem from various sources or experiences that invite you to take a dive deeper into yourself. 

In the transformation coaching sessions we work in a holistic way, which means, we work through several layers. I work with:
- Energy and Family constellations
- Hypno journeys and self inquiry
- Creating well balanced feminine / masculine structures for you and your business. 
- Creating a vivid vision, mission and path. 
- Overall, working on raising your vibration by taking ownership of your life and implementing that which serves your unique energy. 


Email: ellemijnn@gmail.com