Angela Tai

Healing Facilitator

We all carry our own baggage, whether it is limiting beliefs or (transgenerational) trauma that we didn’t get the chance to release. It is often stored in the body subconsciously. Talking therapy isn’t always enough because there are some things we aren’t even aware of. This may have happened at an early age, forgotten/blocked, or could even be inherited. 

You can release trauma without having to relive it—this can be done energetically and through the fascia. I specialize in helping individuals release deep-seated trauma and restore balance in both body and mind. By combining techniques, I create a tailored healing experience for each person. 

I am here to hold space for you and to guide you through the process of letting go of what no longer serves you. Helping you reconnect with your feelings and embrace your true self.

Spinal trauma release: Talking to the Chakras (TTC) & the Inherited release method

Fascia release: Interoceptive Trauma Awareness (ITB)

Holistic & Cupping massage 

Reiki (sessions & attunements)

Sessions are offered in Dutch or English.



Instagram: angela.holistictreatments