Sound Healing with the Crystal Alchemy Bowls 20/12 (Early Bird)

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Join Kala for a 90 minute nourishing and deeply relaxing sound bath. Marinating in the healing sounds of the crystal alchemy bowls combined with channeled singing you will be taken on an inward journey to reflect and relax. Harnessing the energy of this current moment to release, let go and fully surrender.

Each instrument activates a different part in your body and brain. Each bowl is made of 99.99% quartz crystal and is infused with a specific gemstone, mineral or precious metal that has a certain healing property. The frequencies will allow your brain to go into a meditative state where reset and relaxation can be achieved and the healing powers of your cells are being activated. 

The right intention in combination with the frequencies of the crystal alchemy bowls create a nourishing environment for healing to take place. Allowing the sounds to take you in, to drop deeper into your body & heart and surrendering your mind to the vibrations. 


Walk in 18:45

Start 19:00

End 20:30

You are welcome to move to the café space of Stretch & Fold after the event to have a cup of tea or dinner <3


Upon arrival you will be served tea. Yoga mats, props and blankets are present but feel free to bring warm socks, a hot water bottle or anything that makes you feel extra safe and cozy. Like an extra mat for a softer surface etc.


Karla is a certified music therapist, singer-songwriter & sound healer with a strong voice and vision. Her work is intuitive and focuses on helping people find their authentic inner voice and connecting with themselves and others through music. 'Sound Of Kala' is the manifestation of her vision to support people on their own path & share her voice with the world. She’s translating the energies of the room into sound, a song ~ into something tangible.

Read more about Kala at or IG @soundofkala

Refund policy:

Limited spots available. We do not offer refunds but you can pass on your spot to a loved one. Come with an open heart and leave with a refreshed spirit.

Please email for questions or requests. 

Purchase Early Bird

Join Kala for a 90 minute nourishing and deeply relaxing sound bath. Marinating in the healing sounds of the crystal alchemy bowls combined with channeled singing you will be taken on an inward journey to reflect and relax. Harnessing the energy of this current moment to release, let go and fully surrender.

Each instrument activates a different part in your body and brain. Each bowl is made of 99.99% quartz crystal and is infused with a specific gemstone, mineral or precious metal that has a certain healing property. The frequencies will allow your brain to go into a meditative state where reset and relaxation can be achieved and the healing powers of your cells are being activated. 

The right intention in combination with the frequencies of the crystal alchemy bowls create a nourishing environment for healing to take place. Allowing the sounds to take you in, to drop deeper into your body & heart and surrendering your mind to the vibrations. 


Walk in 18:45

Start 19:00

End 20:30

You are welcome to move to the café space of Stretch & Fold after the event to have a cup of tea or dinner <3


Upon arrival you will be served tea. Yoga mats, props and blankets are present but feel free to bring warm socks, a hot water bottle or anything that makes you feel extra safe and cozy. Like an extra mat for a softer surface etc.


Karla is a certified music therapist, singer-songwriter & sound healer with a strong voice and vision. Her work is intuitive and focuses on helping people find their authentic inner voice and connecting with themselves and others through music. 'Sound Of Kala' is the manifestation of her vision to support people on their own path & share her voice with the world. She’s translating the energies of the room into sound, a song ~ into something tangible.

Read more about Kala at or IG @soundofkala

Refund policy:

Limited spots available. We do not offer refunds but you can pass on your spot to a loved one. Come with an open heart and leave with a refreshed spirit.

Please email for questions or requests. 

Join Kala for a 90 minute nourishing and deeply relaxing sound bath. Marinating in the healing sounds of the crystal alchemy bowls combined with channeled singing you will be taken on an inward journey to reflect and relax. Harnessing the energy of this current moment to release, let go and fully surrender.

Each instrument activates a different part in your body and brain. Each bowl is made of 99.99% quartz crystal and is infused with a specific gemstone, mineral or precious metal that has a certain healing property. The frequencies will allow your brain to go into a meditative state where reset and relaxation can be achieved and the healing powers of your cells are being activated. 

The right intention in combination with the frequencies of the crystal alchemy bowls create a nourishing environment for healing to take place. Allowing the sounds to take you in, to drop deeper into your body & heart and surrendering your mind to the vibrations. 


Walk in 18:45

Start 19:00

End 20:30

You are welcome to move to the café space of Stretch & Fold after the event to have a cup of tea or dinner <3


Upon arrival you will be served tea. Yoga mats, props and blankets are present but feel free to bring warm socks, a hot water bottle or anything that makes you feel extra safe and cozy. Like an extra mat for a softer surface etc.


Karla is a certified music therapist, singer-songwriter & sound healer with a strong voice and vision. Her work is intuitive and focuses on helping people find their authentic inner voice and connecting with themselves and others through music. 'Sound Of Kala' is the manifestation of her vision to support people on their own path & share her voice with the world. She’s translating the energies of the room into sound, a song ~ into something tangible.

Read more about Kala at or IG @soundofkala

Refund policy:

Limited spots available. We do not offer refunds but you can pass on your spot to a loved one. Come with an open heart and leave with a refreshed spirit.

Please email for questions or requests. 

Sound Healing with the Crystal Alchemy Bowls 15/11 (Regular)
Sold Out
Sound Healing with the Crystal Alchemy Bowls 20/12 (Regular)
Sold Out
New Moon Sound Healing 28/02 (Regular)
Waxing Moon Sound Healing 04/04 (Early Bird)
Waxing Moon Sound Healing 04/04 (Regular)